15 Lessons Learned From Watching My Dad

Next week will mark one month since my dad passed away. I leave to fly to Ontario from BC early in the week to spend time with my family and celebrate Dad’s life on November 10th.

As I prepare my words that I will give at the service, so many memories and reflections are coming to mind. What I wanted to share with you is a list of the lessons Dad taught me.

He set for me an imitable example throughout my life in several different areas. He didn’t necessarily put all these lessons into words but I did see them lived out in his actions and life — which is really where it counts. Some of these lessons may resonate with you as you reflect on the role models in your life.

15 Lessons Learned While Watching My Dad’s Actions and Life

1. Be honest even if no one’s looking.

2. Put in a hard day’s work and don’t complain.

3. Show up on time which means be early.

4. Give the first 10% of your income to God.

5. Be kind and friendly to everyone you meet.

6. Love your wife and work as a team.

7. Pray every day and trust God always.

8. Spend less than you make and stay out of debt.

9. Find your purpose and live it out each day.

10. Be prepared for the day you die.

11. Make the best of the situation you find yourself in even if it’s not ideal.

12. If people treat you unfairly, forgive them so bitterness doesn’t take root.

13. Appreciate people and say thank you often.

14. Keep your garden free of weeds.

15. If you say you will do something, do it.

Final Thoughts

As I reflect on these lessons, I think about my own life. Am I an imitable example for others to follow?

What actions do I want others to imitate? What actions or habits are missing from my life? What needs to be pruned so I can be even more fruitful?

And for you, who are your role models and what are they teaching you? Who is watching your life and patterning themselves after you? What do they see?

I’m so grateful for the impact my dad had on my life. Now it’s my turn to carry that legacy forward. To act and live in such a way that I leave the world a better place than when I found it.


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